Friday, March 21, 2014

Tough Crowd

How many times have you been on YouTube and seen someone comment something like: "If you put yourself out there, you should expect criticism." ? For me, the answer is many. People often use this as an excuse to comment something mean. It makes people feel better about the fact that they are posting something extremely rude on a complete stranger's video, picture or post. 

My mom came across this video and showed me it explaining that she thought it was so cute. She couldn't stop laughing at the boy's mature way of speaking. I agreed, and was shocked when I found an  article talking about the criticism that the parents received after posting this video. (article)

The author of this article is appalled that anyone could say such things and make these assumptions about a family that they've never met. "The onlookers were jumping to conclusions about a family they knew nothing about with nothing to go on except their prejudices." 

I completely agree with Navarrette (the author) when he says this. It is unfair to assume things about a family from a 3 minute video of their (very cute) toddler trying to convince his mom to give him a cupcake. 

Earlier in the article he says: "This isn't about privacy; when you post content online, you give up the right to privacy. This is about propriety; it's about having manners, knowing your place, and respecting boundaries. Just because someone posts wedding pictures doesn't mean you criticize the bride's dress." What Navarrette is saying is that this is a matter of being nice. I think that no matter what, if people put themselves out there,  they are still people and still have feelings. It is not worth it to assume things about these people because of a post on a social media site.

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