Monday, March 3, 2014

Don't Give It To a Russian

There is a new campaign in Ukraine called "Don't Give It To A Russian"  The campaign is meant in protest of Russian actions in Crimea such as kidnapping, taking away rights, limiting journalism and other things. read more about the issue here:

The idea of a "sex strike" has apparently been around for a while and is an attempt to control men. I can't decide whether I think this is degrading that these women are doing this or not. I think that they are standing up for what they believe in, but do you really have to say that you won't have relations with any Russian man because of the dictatorship that they are most likely not directly responsible for? 

I think that part of this protest is being done for attention. When the men are deprived of these relationships with women then maybe they will be more motivated to stand up for them. The only reason I really clicked on this article is because I had never heard of something like a "sex strike" and the idea seemed so weird to me. I understand that women are trying to be smart by commanding power over men in anyway that they can but I can't help but think that this isn't going to do anything. It definitely is a new way of protesting.

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