Saturday, May 31, 2014

Breaking News: Hilary Clinton Loves Netflix!

Ever since people have started to suspect Hilary Clinton of planning to run in the 2016 presidential election, she has been a centerpiece of political discussions. Some directly about her plans if she gets elected to office, and others about more than that. I wouldn't even call a lot of the news stories about her "political." With the resurfacing of the Monica Lewinsky scandal in january, people have found more than just her political views to talk about. 

This scandal seems to follow Hilary every time she makes a move in the public eye. Everyone is always looking at her for her reactions and comments on the issue. This makes it hard for her to really make people see her as more than just her reaction to an affair her husband had many years ago. 

This article is one of many, analyzing comments made by Hilary about the issue and also her shift in political positions recently when she left the secretary of state's job. "In the People interview, Mrs. Clinton discusses her life since leaving the secretary of state’s job last year: cleaning out her closets (“very calming”); doing yoga and aquatics (“not as much as I should”); and binge-watching the Netflix series “House of Cards,” a Washington-based political thriller." This quote to me just shows the lack of progress we have seen in representation of women in the media. These hobbies aren't as ridiculous as the fact that she is even saying this in an interview. If a male (high-profile) political figure ever admitted to watching too much Netflix after leaving his job he would probably be laughed at and never taken seriously again. I think that people want to paint this picture of Hilary Clinton as your typical harmless woman so that they do not have to consider the fact that she actually might have a good chance at leading this country. People who don't believe in a woman president want to believe that Hilary Clinton's time off consists of binge watching Netflix and organizing her clothes rather than spending every minute of her free time preparing for her possible future in the 2016 presidential election. 

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