Friday, February 14, 2014

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Winter Vortex, Raindays, 60 degrees in the summer, is this Global Warming or is it just Chicago weather? I think the answer is pretty clear. The climate changes are staring everyone straight in the face in these past couple years and I honestly haven't seen that much press about what is going to be done.

I found an article that shows the government's planned method for action. One quote in particular stuck out to me as unusual as I read it: "Previously the IPCC was accused of being very conservative," said Gary Yohe, professor of economics and environmental studies at Wesleyan University, one of the authors of the report. "This allows them to be less conservative without being open to criticism that they are just trying to scare people to death." To me this is so confusing, why would the IPCC want to scare people to death? They would never exaggerate the effects of this problem so why would they ever hold back or be "conservative" with the issue? 

To me this is something that all Americans should be aware especially because of the worldwide effects it might have on the economy. I never thought about this part of the issue until I read this article. Of course the climate change is killing crops in tropical areas, making it harder for them to sustain a stable economy. 

I think that this issue is becoming bigger and bigger and something needs to be done. No one will be blaming the IPCC for over reacting once they see the issue has gotten out of hand and they can't go to the beach anymore.

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