Religion has been a hot topic in my household lately, seeing as I will be going on a religious retreat in two weeks. Catholic morals were always a part of my upbringing. That's why when I was scrolling through the homepage of CNN, this article caught my eye.
We always hear about freedom of religion in schools, but I never thought about that right transferring into corporations. Elizabeth B. Wydra, the author of this piece, explains that people argue that the contraception coverage that Obamacare offers is offensive to those who are pro-life. To me it seems like people are always finding new problems with Obamacare.
Wyndra suggests that, "Using unprecedented legal reasoning, three federal circuit courts of appeals have ruled that secular, for-profit business corporations and/or the individuals who own them have a valid claim that the mandate to provide no-cost, FDA-approved contraception in their employer-sponsored health plan violates their asserted right to the free exercise of religion." I agree with this. Even though I may not believe in the act of abortions, I do not think it is justified to limit Obamacare's ability to offer this service. Even though abortions are only part of Obamacare for certain states, it still causes issues when it comes to whether or not it is ethical. Birth control is also considered to be a method that is not supported by many catholics, but is offered through Obamacare. I think that it is indeed suggesting a religious bias if they were to take away contraception coverage.
I believe in freedom of religion and I am not offended by Obamacare covering birth control or abortions in their services. The reason I think that so many people are strongly against this is because their own tax money is being put towards this health care. This is hard for people to justify to themselves when they are already against the concept of Obamacare. If they believe that Obamacare is supporting something that they do not think is morally correct, it makes it harder to support the care with your hard earned money. I understand why many people do not approve of this, but I think if Obamacare was unable to offer these services it would be restricting it's freedom.
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